Structure for large-scale frontend development projects

So you read John Papa’s Angular App Structuring Guidelines and apply feature-based structuring of your app? You use ES6 syntax to get more readable and maintainable code? You are proficient with type definitions and including existing libaries is your second nature? That’s great! What’s next?
When your scope exceeds that of a single app, there are some core concepts from strong-typed development worlds like Java and .Net that make your code manageable at the next level; I’m talking about abstract classes, Inversion of Control (IoC), modules / namespaces and setting up reusable libraries. In this article I will present you with the tools and structure required to do this.

DI and IoC Angular

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Consumer Thinking

Lately I have been wondering why I get annoyed by services offered by companies. Why does my telecom provider send me two birthday messages (one for my mobile subscription and one for my home subscription), why do I have to remember what the last maintenance guy did just to make my problem be solved quicker, why do I get a message when something is done correctly, instead of when something went wrong?

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Advantages of Design Patterns in Web API: Strategies

In these posts I would like to point out the benefit of using a number of design patterns specifically for Web API projects. Specifically I will describe Commands, Strategies, Factories and Builders. Afterwards I will look at dependency injection, mocking and AutoMapper, and lastly conclude how it all works together.
Today we will take a look at Strategies and Helpers.

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Advantages of Design Patterns in Web API: Commands

In these posts I would like to point out the benefit of using a number of design patterns specifically for Web API projects. Specifically I will describe Commands, Strategies, Factories and Builders. Afterwards I will look at dependency injection, mocking and AutoMapper, and lastly conclude how it all works together.
Today we start with Commands.

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Angular data access: it’s a breeze

One of the big challenges in separating concerns in your team between frontend SPA / App development and backend API development is to find that correct interface between the two. To avoid confusion or even discord in the team, I find it always best to have both worlds ‘overlap’; either the backend developers share the work on the services in the frontend (in the case of Angular), or the frontend developers share the work in the backend on the API Controllers (in the case of Web API). Now there is a more transparent way: enter Breeze.

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My favorite new technology stack

How fast we progress in new technology support; the libraries we used today are considered legacy tomorrow. After spending a month focusing on the course I’ve given on the basics in JavaScript, last week I had some time to see what’s new. Based on that I give my renewed insights for the development stack.

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Privacy and awareness in corporate workarounds

Last week at Sogeti we had an interesting meeting about social media services. One topic that came up was the differences that may occur between the services required and provided by companies, and the ways their employees find creative workarounds for them. Since I feel quite strongly about this, it’s worth dedicating this post to it.

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How to: MVC structure in plain JavaScript

Most likely you have already heard of AngularJS, or already joined the craze. When I decided to give a course on AngularJS, we decided it would be wise to start with the basics, and as a result I set up a course to develop a single-page application (SPA) without using any frameworks. This course provides the basics so you can understand how AngularJS works. To reach this goal I introduced the concept of Controllers, Models and Services.

The challenge here is how to structure your code, and I wanted to share my thoughts. Especially since I could not find a coherent sample thus far.

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Yet another blog

Here we are, at the start of yet another blog. Hopefully this will be helpful and entertaining to a lot of you.

Of course introductions are in order. My name is Edwin van der Thiel, and have been working with technology for a while. I started with Linux and Windows infrastructure management and networking, growing through scripting and automation to become an expert in systems architecture.

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