My favorite new technology stack

How fast we progress in new technology support; the libraries we used today are considered legacy tomorrow. After spending a month focusing on the course I’ve given on the basics in JavaScript, last week I had some time to see what’s new. Based on that I give my renewed insights for the development stack.

Entity Framework – still very popular, you need to have the basics covered.

Web API – As always, but with a little twist. When keeping a clean design of your endpoints, it will easily integrate with the Breeze library mentioned below. And since I believe it’s good practice to make your API as transparent as possible for frontend developers, spend some time on the design.
As a side note, each endpoint in my APIs is implemented using the Command design pattern to simplify maintenance and unit testing.

Swagger – can be used during development, however if your API is properly designed not really needed.

Breeze – Your frontend interface to the Web API. It can be most easily be compared with Entity Framework for Web APIs and other backends. Many versions exist, among others one to integrate in Angular.

Angular – Though taking a look at Angular 2, for me it is a bit too soon to make the transfer. Main reasons are stability and the amount of compatible libraries so indispensable in frontend development.

Lastly, from here on out any new project will be fully set up using TypeScript.

I wish you much fun on your new projects.


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